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Once done, your current progress in this tournament will be lost and you will start over.
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Cash rewards in this tournament will be paid out in Fast Token (FTN) equivalent.

Read more about Fast Token (FTN)here

You will use one ticket from your inventory to join this tournament.

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Fortune Ace

With no distractions to keep you from the action, this 1024 ways to win classy casino-style slot provides so many opportunities to take some memorable wins! The game may have a simple interface and minimal visuals, but it is all by design, we assure you. The purpose of the minimalistic design is to highlight all the epic features boasted by the slot. From Golden Symbols to tumbles galore, we’ve got a lot to cover!

Fortune Ace

Game Details

They said classic will never go out of style, and we tend to agree, and it seems Pragmatic Play does too. They’ve given us a new free slot that shows off their ability to make classic free slots in such an awesome fashion. Boasting that clean, neon casino feel that we would be used to seeing in a James Bond movie or a Live Casino dealer room, we enjoy some awesome gameplay with no distractions. Imagine a cleaner version of the Triple Jokers Demo and a classy finish, and you’re on the right track to understanding Fortune Ace Demo.  

How to Play   

How to Win   

Bets & Winnings



Game info

Release Date 2024-01-30
Rows 4
Reels 5
Lines 1024
Max Multiplier Win 5000x
RTP 96.48%
Game name Fortune Ace
Game type
Video Slots
Game provider
Pragmatic Play
Tumble Feature, Free Spins, Ante Bet
Desktop, Tablet, Smartphone
Bulgarian, Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Indonesian, English, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Latvian, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese